AEW Pay-Per-Views

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 Results


AEW Double or Nothing 2023 Results. Tonight AEW presented DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023 live from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV! It’s Sunday and you know what that means! The Buy In portion of the show kicked off! Your announce team for Buy In was Excalibur, Taz, & Jim Ross.

Trios Grudge Match!

The Hardys—Matt & Jeff (with Brother Zay), and FTW Champion HOOK vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page & The Gunns—Austin & Colten!

If the Hardys and HOOK win, Matt Hardy controls Ethan Page’s contract. Hook and Austin locked up, trading wrist control. Hook went for an ankle lock, but Austin grabbed the ropes. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy showed tag team synergy on Austin. And then Hook took out all three members of the opposition with Judo shoulder throws.

Hook took Page for a ride with the El Camino. Matt peppered Colten with shots. He followed up with a Side Effect to Austin. Page jumped back in, but he ate a Side Effect from Matt. Outside the ring Page shoved Brother Zay to the arena floor. Matt Hardy was triple teamed in the corner. Colten prevented Matt from making the tag, with help from his partners. Matt Hardy nailed Page with a DDT. Jeff grabbed a tag and cleaned house on the Gunns. 


Hook tagged back in and connected with body shots to Page. He battered Page with forearms to the jaw. Hook applied a cross arm breaker, but Colten interfered. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy used tandem offense on Colten. But then the Gunns connected with the 3:10 to Yuma on Matt but Jeff broke it up with a Swanton! Page blasted Hook with a kick to the jaw. Hook and the Hardys surrounded Page. Hook locked in Red Rum and Ethan Page quickly tapped out!

Dr. Martha Hart joined Renee Paquette on the ramp for the opening ceremonies of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament! Dr. Hart announced the tournament is going to kick off in Canada and then finish off at the Calgary Stampede! The pay-per-view portion of the main card began.

AEW International Championship Blackjack Battle Royale!

Participants included:

  • “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.)
  • Ari Daivari
  • Bandido
  • Big Bill
  • “The Machine” Brian Cage
  • Chuck Taylor
  • Dustin Rhodes
  • “Switchblade” Jay White
  • Juice Robinson
  • Keith Lee
  • Kip Sabian
  • Komander
  • Lee Moriarty
  • Penta El Zero Miedo
  • Rey Fenix
  • Ricky Starks
  • Swerve Strickland
  • The Blade
  • The Butcher
  • Tony Nese
  • Trent Beretta

Kip Sabian charged right at Orange, trying to toss him over the top rope. Komander walked the ropes and jumped onto Big Bill and Lee Moriarty. The luchadores worked as a unit and backed everyone up. Rey Fenix did a tightrope walk and kicked Ari out of the ring. Brian Cage suplexed both Lucha Bros at the same time! Cage monkey flipped Bandido. 


Komander attempted to walk the ropes, but Jay White shoved him to the arena floor. The Best Friends triple powerbombed Kip Sabian and then eliminated him. Big Bill threw Chuck Taylor over the top. Keith Lee eliminated the Blade. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland squared off. Lee powerslammed Swerve, plucking him out of midair. The Lucha Bros hit the Butcher with stereo thrust kicks, eliminating him.

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 Results

Trent shoved Orange out of the way, sacrificing himself, as Big Bill booted Trent out of the ring. Brian Cage flipped Keith Lee over the top rope from behind. Ricky Starks speared Jay White and then eliminated him. Juice Robinson grabbed Starks, pulling him outside the ring. White and Robinson double teamed Starks. Starks got back in the ring, but Big Bill cracked him with a big boot, eliminating him.

Swerve eliminated Dustin Rhodes. Swerve, Big Bill, Orange, and Penta El Zero Miedo were the last four remaining. Penta cracked Orange with a backstabber. Big Bill used a lariat, eliminating Penta. Big Bill planted Orange with a Bossman slam. Bill was about to press slam Orange, but Swerve pushed Bill from behind and eliminated him. 


Orange rocked Swerve with a Stun Dog Millionaire, but Swerve fired back with a kick to the back of Orange’s head. Prince Nana swept out Orange’s leg, allowing Swerve to smash Orange with the Swerve Stomp. Orange launched off the ropes with a DDT to Strickland. He followed up with an Orange Punch, but Swerve held onto the ropes. Orange kicked Swerve’s hand, loosening Swerve’s grip on the rope and eliminating him.

Unsanctioned Match!

Adam Cole (with Roderick Strong & Sabu) vs. Chris Jericho (with the Jericho Appreciation Society)!

Adam Cole went right after Jericho, but Daniel Garcia had Cole outnumbered with Chris. Sabu launched a chair at Chris Jericho. Sabu splashed Daddy Magic through a table! Cole drove Jericho’s arm into the steel steps. Then Cole went to work on Jericho’s legs, wrapping them around the steel ring post. Jericho countered a Panama Sunrise and suplexed Cole from the ring apron and then down onto the arena floor!

Jericho attempted the Lion Sault, but Cole countered with a superkick. Cole tried again for the Panama Sunrise, but Jericho countered with the Lion Tamer. Adam sprayed Jericho with a fire extinguisher in the eyes. Cole cracked Jericho between the eyes with it. Jericho was about to use a kendo stick on Cole, but Dr. Britt Baker sprinted to the ring with her own kendo stick. Baker cracked Jericho over and over. Saraya jumped into the ring, but Baker took her to the woodshed too!


Adam Cole began to work over Jericho with the kendo stick. Jericho’s back was all welted up. Cole climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Jericho whipped a chair at Cole. Cole tumbled off the ropes and down through a table. Jericho pulled a chain out from beneath the ring. The end of the chain had a handcuff on it. Jericho handcuffed Adam Cole. Adam Cole managed to DDT Jericho for a near fall. Cole handcuffed the other end of the chain to Jericho’s wrist. Cole connected with a superkick. 

“This is a chain match now,” said Jim Ross.

Cole stuck Jericho with a Panama Sunrise for a near fall. Jericho wrapped the chain around Cole, but Cole flipped around and superkicked Jericho. Adam Cole lowered the boom and cracked Chris with a knee strike. Cole wrapped the chain around his knee and then smashed Chris with another knee shot. Cole battered Jericho with the steel chain and then ref Aubrey Edwards stopped the match! Adam Cole was declared the winner because Chris Jericho could not defend himself.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (c.) vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett (with Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh)! Special Guest Referee—Mark Briscoe

FTR used beautiful tandem offense on Jarrett and Lethal. They went for stereo sharpshooters but Lethal and Jarrett made it to the ropes. Jeff Jarrett used a low bridge, sending Cash tumbling to the arena floor. Jarrett whipped Cash into the barricade. Dax Harwood sent Lethal flying with German suplexes and then a brainbuster for a near fall. After interference, Briscoe ejected Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. Jarrett intended to crack Dax with a guitar, but Dax ducked it and it smashed Mark instead. FTR used the Shattermachine on Lethal, but the ref wasn’t there to count it.  


Ref Aubrey Edwards ran down, but Karen Jarrett rocked Aubrey with a guitar shot. Jay Lethal spiked FTR with Lethal Injections. Jeff Jarrett hit Dax with the title belt and followed up with the Stroke for a two-count! FTR used the Shattermachine on Jarrett and pinned him! FTR hugged Mark Briscoe after the match.

Alex Marvez interviewed Ricky Starks backstage, but Starks was attacked by Bullet Club Gold. FTR came to Starks’ aid, evening up the odds. Backstage, Chris Jericho and Saraya were screaming, insisting that Tony Khan give them a match on Dynamite this week against Britt Baker and Adam Cole!

TNT Championship Ladder Match!

Wardlow (c.) (with Arn Anderson) vs. Christian Cage (with Luchasaurus)!

Wardlow set up two tables on the arena floor, placing Christian on them. Wardlow was about to jump off the turnbuckles but Christian saw it and ran for cover. Christian Cage rammed a ladder into Wardlow’s ribs. Wardlow pressed Christian, spun him around, and then planted him onto the ladder. Wardlow began to climb the ladder when Luchasaurus stalked down the ramp. Luchasaurus pushed Christian back into the ring. Christian connected with a Kill Switch to Wardlow off the ladder!


Wardlow attempted a senton, but Christian dodged it, with Wardlow wiping out on the ladder. Christian rammed the ladder into Wardlow. Arn Anderson came down to the ring to try and motivate Wardlow. Luchasaurus choke slammed Wardlow twice! Arn Anderson got into the ring. Luchasaurus was about to chokeslam Arn Anderson but Arn bit down on Luchasaurus’ thumb. 

Wardlow cracked Luchasaurus and then set him on a table. Wardlow climbed a ladder and jumped, landing down with a senton on Luchasaurus! Christian Cage climbed the ladder in the ring, but Arn Anderson shoved it. Christian fell off and right into Wardlow’s arms. Wardlow powerbombed Christian. Wardlow climbed the ladder and pulled the belt down.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Jamie Hayter (c.) vs. Toni Storm!

Tony Schiavone joined the commentary team for this match. Jamie Hayter was attacked by Saraya and Ruby Soho as she made her entrance. The Outcasts triple teamed Hayter. The match finally began, and Toni stomped on Jamie. Dr. Britt Baker sprinted to the ring and began to brawl with Saraya. Ruby Soho sprayed Jamie in the eyes with the spray pain as the ref was distracted. 


Shida came flying down the ramp with a kendo stick. Shida and Ruby fought around the ring. Jamie went for the Hayter Ade on Toni and immediately clutched her arm. Toni spiked Hayter with the Storm Zero and pinned her! And new AEW Women’s World Champion…Toni Storm!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black (c.) vs. The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens, and Daddy Ass!

Brody nearly decapitated Max with a lariat. Malakai tagged in but the Acclaimed used combination offense on him. Malakai anticipated the Scissor Me Timbers and put Bowens in a kneebar. Buddy connected with a meteora on Bowens. Anthony Bowens escaped and rocked Black with a thrust kick. Right as he was about to make the tag, Black stopped Bowens. Buddy became the legal man and started to dissect Bowens with his offense.

Brody grabbed a tag and sat out with a senton on Bowens. Brody smashed Bowens with a cannonball in the corner. Daddy Ass finally got a tag and was throwing haymakers to Buddy and Malakai. Black clocked Daddy Ass with a roundhouse kick and pinned him!


TBS Championship Match!

Jade Cargill (c.) (with Leila Grey) vs. Taya Valkyrie!

Taya immediately went for the Road to Valhalla, but Jade escaped. They traded forearms. Taya hit a sliding lariat. Jade went to the floor, attempting to regroup with “Smart” Mark Sterling. Taya jumped off the turnbuckles and wiped-out Sterling. Taya ran at Jade with a sliding German suplex. Leila grabbed Taya’s boot, long enough for Jade to take back control of the match. Jade suplexed Taya on the arena floor.

Jade planted Taya with a spinebuster. Cargill dumped Taya throat first over the barricade. Valkyrie fought back with a lariat. Taya folded Jade with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. She curb stomped Jade for a near fall. Taya speared Jade. Valkyrie planted Jade with the Road to Valhalla, but Jade kicked out just before the three-count! Cargill hoisted up Taya and finished her off with Jaded, good enough for the victory!

“Smart” Mark Sterling got on the microphone and said no one was left. Kris Statlander made her return! Kris came to the ring! Statlander smashed Jade with Sunday Night Fever and pinned her! New TBS Champion…Kris Statlander!


AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Darby Allin vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs. “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara!

Everyone swarmed MJF to begin the match. Jack used a double arm drag on Darby and Sammy. MJF ran into the ring and decked Perry with a forearm. Darby took MJF off his feet with a dropkick and then followed up with a tope. And then Perry rocketed out with a tope! Sammy wiped out the other competitors with a shooting star press to the floor! The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Darby tried for a tope, but Sammy countered with a cutter! Sammy nailed MJF with a frog splash for a near fall. Darby impaled MJF with a Scorpion Death Drop. MJF used the Cross Rhodes on Jack Perry. MJF grabbed a microphone and implored him to lay down and take the money. Sammy played possum and cradled MJF for a near fall. 

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 Results

Sammy locked on the Lion Tamer. Darby put Jack Perry in the Scorpion Death Lock. All four pillars were tied up, putting submissions on one another. The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!” Outside the ring, Darby charged at Perry and MJF, knocking all three over the barricade. Sammy used a Spanish Fly on Darby, and they landed on Jack and MJF on the floor!


All four competitors traded pin attempts. Darby was going for a Coffin Drop on Sammy, but MJF knocked Darby down. MJF used a Blonde Bombshell on Darby, but MJF injured his wrist on the landing. MJF hit Sammy with a low blow. Darby and Jack traded strikes. MJF brought his world title into the ring. MJF tried to hit Jack with it, but Jack intercepted it. Jack knocked MJF and Sammy out of the ring, and the belt fell in Jack’s hands. Jack thought about using the belt on Darby but then threw the belt out of the ring. 

Sammy cracked Jack with the GTH! Darby went with a Coffin Drop on Jack Perry, and moments before Darby landed, MJF put his title belt on Jack Perry. The back of Darby’s head collided with the belt. MJF used a side headlock takeover and pinned Darby Allin!

Main Event Time!

Anarchy In the Arena II!

The Elite—“Hangman” Adam Page, Kenny Omega, & The Young Bucks—Nick & Matt Jackson vs. The Blackpool Combat Club—Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, & Wheeler Yuta!

The teams immediately began brawling throughout the arena. Don Callis came to the broadcast position. Hangman turned Danielson inside out with a lariat. Page pulled off the eye patch. Page pulled out a screwdriver, but Yuta chop blocked him. The BCC isolated Hangman in the ring. The Elite unleashed a superkick party on the BCC in the ring. The Elite took to the skies with topes to the BCC! 


Kenny Omega bludgeoned Moxley with a piece of the announce table. Mox was busted wide open. Matt Jackson brought Yuta all the way down the ramp with the locomotion Northern Lights Suplexes. Moxley suplexed Omega onto barb wire. Wheeler Yuta whipped Hangman with a leather belt. Moxley dug into Omega’s forehead with a fork. Claudio swung Matt Jackson into a garbage can in the arena concourse.

The BCC took turns picking apart Hangman Page. Claudio and Matt Jackson continued to brawl backstage. Claudio threw Matt into the bed of a pickup truck. He spiked Matt in the back of the pickup truck with a piledriver! Hangman clobbered Mox with a Deadeye on the apron! Claudio connected with a pop-up European uppercut to Kenny Omega. Nick Jackson walloped Yuta with a corkscrew dropkick.

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 Results

Moxley decimated Nick with a Gotch style piledriver. Yuta and Mox double teamed Nick in the ring. Matt Jackson finally limped to the ring. Matt hit Mox with an exploding superkick! Hangman plowed into Yuta with the Buckshot Lariat for a near fall! Moxley spilled a bag of thumbtacks into the ring. Mox dropped a barefoot Matt Jackson onto the tacks. Moxley stunned Nick right into the tacks. Omega waffled Claudio with a V Trigger. Danielson was waiting in the wings with a running knee of his own!


Moxley put thumbtacks into Matt’s mouth and then Claudio socked him with a European uppercut! Page and Omega did their best to take the fight to the BCC! Danielson chopped at the legs of Page and Omega with roundhouse kicks. Page used the Dead Eye and then Omega with the One-Winged Angel on Danielson, but Yuta was there to make the save! Don Callis handed a screwdriver to Yuta. Yuta spiked Page with it. Takeshita jumped into the ring with a knee strike to Omega! Yuta tied up Omega with the seatbelt and pinned him!

After the match Don Callis used his belt on Omega! As AEW Double or Nothing went off Air. We’ll be covering more on this so stay tuned and remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling! For more updates follow

Elite Wrestling

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